PTDP - Personal Training and Development Plan

Objective: To support personal development during the training program

The purpose of the Personal Training and Development Plan (PTDP) is to supportyour learning goals and career planning. With the help of PTDP, it is easier to define your own goals, development aread and ways of working to achieve the goals during the training program, and to ask for feedback during the program.

It is a good idea to go through a more detailed job description together with your supervisor and at the same time define the related goals and the indicators.

Fill in the PTPD and print it into PDF form. Aftert that, send the completed PTDP to your supervisor no later than 4 weeks after starting the program.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Please keep only one form open when filling out an application!
Personal Background
First name *
Last name *
We will send you information about your application by e-mail. In order to receive our messages, it is important that the e-mail address is correct.
E-mail *
I own this e-mail address and I have checked that it is written correctly.
Training program
Personal Training and Development Plan (PTDP) updates
Partner Company
Job title
Detailed job description
(Max 1000 characters)
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Mentor email
Main goals
What are my motives and expectations concerning studying, working and personal development during this program?
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What are my three main goals during the training program?
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How do the objectives of the program support my personal goals?
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Competence evaluation

The competence evaluation is done on the scale of 0 to 7. The current level of competence is evaluated in the beginning of the training program. The desired level of competence should be evaluated together with your mentor. There will be a re-evaluation in the end of the program.

0 = not at all familiar with
1 = understands the basics
2 = knows the principles
3 = has some competence
4 = knows the subject satisfactorily
5 = knows the subject well
6 = knows the subject completely
7 = can teach others
Software and tools
Current level
Target level
Level after the follow-up period
Working life skills
Current level
Target level
Level after the follow-up period
Learning and developing professional skills
What type of a learner I am? How do I learn?
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Which areas should I develop when studying new skills? How can I become a better learner?
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What expectations do I have for my employer considering my career planning and professional skills?
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What are my expectations for the trainers?
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What sort of knowledge, skills, guidance, or support do I need in order to be able to develop my professional skills?
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Strengths and development areas
My most important strengths concerning my work and position?
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What are the most important areas in which I want to improve my performance? How do these development areas affect my work in the current position?
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Action plan
My plans for self-study:
(Max 1000 characters)
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The most important actions by which I intend to reach my goals during the program:
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How will I evaluate the implementation of these actions? What measures can I use to analyze my development?
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File size max. 5120 kB. Allowed files: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pps, rtf, txt.